Sunday Morning Message

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Gretchen Castle

Gretchen Castle has served Quaker organizations for most of her career. She served as General Secretary of Friends World Committee for Consultation, the world office for Quakers where she served in London, England, for 9 years.  In that role, Gretchen traveled extensively among Quakers and represented Friends at the world level with the World Council of Churches, the Quaker United Nations Offices in New York and Geneva, and served as chair of the Christian World Communions       Conference of General Secretaries.  She has broad experience across the theological spectrum of Friends.

With an MEd in Adult Organizational Learning (Organization                 Development) from Temple University, Gretchen has experience in board and leadership             development, and organizational planning. She served as presiding clerk of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, and has worked for Friends General Conference, Friends Services for the Aging,             Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, and Pendle Hill.   She is a member of First Friends Richmond (New            Association).  As Dean of the Earlham School of Religion and a graduate of Earlham College, Gretchen has returned to her Quaker roots in Richmond, IN.

Gretchen sang for 20 years in a singing group called "Faith & Practice" with the tagline "When good Quakers go bad."

Gretchen will lead devotions at 9:00am on  Friday, July 12.


Emily Provance

Emily Provance is a Quaker traveling minister from Fifteenth Street Meeting in New York City. She’s also an associate of Good News Associates, which is a Christian nonprofit ministry organization supporting individuals who are called to non-institutional ministries.

 Among Quakers, she initiates and coordinates  projects that vary greatly in topic but are   unified by approach. She helps people who are very different work together on things they all care about. She has a deep faith in the power of relationships as the most reliable pathway to peace and to change.

Emily will be involved in WYM Sessions each day.

Rachel Doll O´Mahoney

Rachel Doll O’Mahoney: I am called to      ministry, to partnership, and to parenthood. To each of these, I bring a perspective shaped by  a Catholic upbringing and theological  formation as well Quaker practice and community. Inspired by the Intersection of these traditions, I strive to foster a  welcoming and inclusive life and  relationships rooted in simplicity and integrity (among others).  

Alongside my spouse Sean, we seek to nurture our four children, embodying the values of compassion and understanding in our daily lives. Our children are our prophets calling us to growth!

With a passion for spiritual exploration and justice, I am committed to creating spaces where all are heard and valued . In addition to pastoring at Valley Mills Friends Meeting in Indianapolis,   I serve as a spiritual director, accompanying others on their spiritual   journeys without judgment.  In all my roles, I seek to  cultivate a spirit of openness and   authenticity as I meet others on their path. 

Rachel will lead worship at 10:00am on Sunday, July 13.

Tom Rockwell

Tom Rockwell serves as the Associate Superintendent at Western Yearly Meeting. He’s also the Co-Pastor of West Elkton Friends Meeting along with his wife Jade. Jade and Tom have a two-year-old  Aggie, as well as Jade’s three kids Stella, Ezra, and Solace.

Tom enjoys all aspects of pastoral ministry and loves the opportunities he gets as Western Yearly Meeting to support pastors. He is focused on work that cultivates young leaders among Friends. Tom and Jade also enjoy working with Friends internationally and have been sponsoring a group of Cuban Friends in starting new lives in the US.

Tom will lead Devotions at 9:00 am on Saturday, July 13!