Quakers do not follow a specific creed, they acknowledge that words are not up to the job of precisely defining belief for a whole group of people. We do have some basic tenants that bind us as a faith but are up for personal interpretation.
They believe that individuals should take personal responsibility for their understanding of faith rather than just buying a package and that each individual should try to develop themselves spiritually.
Basic Tenants
Simplicity- Value simple in all manners of life, particularly speech and action.
Peace- War is against the values of Christianity and we stand firmly on this belief.
Integrity- That to relay God’s message we must always be truthful in speech and how we live.
Community- People everywhere are objects of His concern and therefore are of immeasurable worth
Equality- Everyone is equal in the eyes of the Lord and therefore through us.
Environment- God made the earth and all its creatures, therefore we must treat it with the same kindness as human beings
or (Depends on the church)
Servitude- Taking care of others and the injustices of the world is built into who Quakers are
Social Concerns
- Prison reform - Sexuality
- Education for all - Poverty
- Fair Wages - Racism
- Mental health - Environmental preservation
Quaker Practice
The two main types being programmed and unprogrammed. Individual meetings can utilize both types in their practice.
Programmed is closer to what individuals think of when they envision a service. There is usually a message, music, and some sort of structure. Unprogrammed is when Quakers sit in silence and listen to Gods message. This is a reflection and prayer time where others make break the silence only when moved so by the spirit.
Some notes on the Faiths practice over all
We do not baptize as we believe the Lord is in everyone all ready; Some meetings may have a baby dedication to welcome new members
We do not take communion as Quakers nor do we place many crosses around our meeting houses. Some meetings utilize nature in the service space with large windows or when possible having meeting outside.