A Retreat for Quaker Women in Public Ministry
October 21-23, 2016
Rolling Ridge Retreat Center, North Andover, Massachusetts
What: A gathering of Quaker Women in Public Ministry. As simple and as amazingly varied as that! We intend to follow a hybrid model of structured time and the Open Space/ Unconference model. The weekend will include times of worship and worship sharing in small groups, as well as multiple participant-led offerings in identified time slots.
Who: Attendance at the event will be open to any Quaker Woman with a public ministry. We hope to include women from across the branches of Friends as well as across the geography of Friends. The group will be limited in size based on space at the retreat center.
Why: In November 2015, a simple Facebook post with a question about interest in an event for Quaker Women in Public Ministry yielded 67 comments from Friends and friends of Friends in a matter of days! Soon after, a short digital survey launched for the purpose of further discernment. In excess of sixty responses indicate a deep hunger for this event, as well as much uncertainty about what counts as public ministry. For a glimpse into possible topics, click here.
This event aspires to witness to the particularity of callings laid upon participants’ hearts by providing a venue for Spirit to knit together a blessed community of connection, support, mentoring, restoration, and passion.
We hope you will prayerfully consider if you need to be with us at this event.
Eden Grace, Viv Hawkins and Jennie Isbell Shinn, the planning committee